You can find in this article our recommendations to build a Journey report in Performance Analytics. The aim of this report is to complement the Journey performance data report and the message report. If you are not yet familiar with Performance Analytics, you should start with our Introduction to Performance Analytics article and come back to this one after.
If Performance Analytics is not available in your dashboard, please contact your Account Manager.
Journey specificities
A journey is a set of messages separated by some amount of time. Airship sends the messages in a journey to your audience in sequence, as long as your audience continues to meet the conditions to receive messages in the journey. You can set the events and conditions that will cause a user to exit a journey and prevent Airship from delivering the remaining messages. Therefore, there are several important points to take into consideration when you creating your report in Performance Analytics.
A journey can be composed of several messages. Which means one push ID per message.
A journey can use several channels (notifications, in-app, SMS, email…)
Your whole audience may not necessarily complete the journey.
A message limit can be set for your journeys.
If you want to learn more about Journeys, you can find a lot of information in our technical documentation.
Journey performance report
1- Get the Journey Name or ID
Firstly, you need to find a way to identify your Journey messages in Performance Analytics. To do so, you can use several fields, the Journey ID, the Journey Name, or the Campaign Category. We recommend using the Journey ID field, as this ensures that only the desired Journey is targeted.
The Journey ID is available in the payload of your Journey messages. To get it, go to Journey > Select your Journey > Performance > Message performance > Message detail > View API Payload > Workflow. The Journey ID corresponds to the workflow ID, available at the end of the API Payload.
{"workflow": "f213e912-7c64-426b-ba6d-0f076ba9ded9"}
As soon as you have a way to identify your Journey, you can start creating your looks.
2- Create the report looks
All of the following reports are created from Performance Analytics > Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Engagement. When you save the first Look, you can create a new Dashboard “Journey report” and add the following looks to it.
Total messages sent
This look counts the number of messages sent by the Journey. It includes the sendings of all the messages (step) of the Journey and all the message types (push, in-app, message center…). To build this look we will use the following filters: Query parameters date range “is in the last” or choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Multiple // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Journey ID is equal to “XXX” // Workflow type is equal to “Journey message”
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Total delivery / Impression count
Eligible users
The aim of this look is to identify the current number of eligible users (which match your Journey trigger and conditions). This look is probably the most tricky of this report. As a matter of fact, the fields of this look will vary depending on the Journey trigger settings and the tag conditions, if you set this option. Our sample Journey is based on user inactivity. All users who didn’t open the app in the last 24 hours are eligible for our Journey. To build this look we have to select the “Device report” builder from the Explore Glossary section. In this report we will use the following filters: Query parameters date range “is on or after” relative 24 hours // Event type filter is App Session // Current project only is YES
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: User Count
Messages report
This look provides you with an overview of the number of notifications delivered, per day, for each message of your Journey. It allows following the progress of the users in the Journey. To build this look we will use the following filters: Date range “is in range” YYYY-MM-DD until YYYY-MM-DD // Message type filter “is” Multiple // Current project only” is” YES // Journey ID “is equal to “ XXX // Workflow type “is equal to” “Journey message”
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery date // Message (set as “Pivot”) // Journey Message Number (set as “Pivot”) // Total delivery / Impression count
Feel free to choose the most relevant visualization (graph, table, curve…) for you.
Journey report
The purpose of this look is to provide you with a complete performance report for each message of your Journey. It will allow you to easily analyze the engagement generated by each message. To build this look we will use the following filters: Date range “is in the past” X complete days // Message type filter “is” Multiple // Current project only “is” YES // Journey ID “is equal to” XXX // Workflow type “is equal to” Journey Message
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Message Type // Notification ID // Campaign Category // Journey Message Number // Workflow type // Message // Total delivery / Impression count // Attributed response count // Direct response count // Direct response rate // Indirect response count // Indirect response rate
Users who completed the Journey
This look is useful if you want to set up a retargeting campaign for the users who completed the Journey or who stopped at a specific step of the Journey. The objective is thus to recover the channel ID or the named users of these profiles. Then, you will be able to export the look report and re-import the profiles in a list to send to them a specific message. To build this look we will use the following filters: Date range “is in the past” X complete days // Message type filter “is” Multiple // Current project only “is” YES // Journey ID “is equal to” XXX // Journey message number “is equal to” X
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Channel ID // Named User // Total delivery / Impression count
Note: As indicated in our technical documentation the Named User field has to be set in your project.
3- Dashboard overview
All our looks are now created and give you a complete overview of your Journey activity. You can also add some more dimensions, measures, and filters to create looks and dashboards fitting your needs.
In addition, you have the possibility to export your looks and dashboards and even schedule recurrent exports. If you want to learn more about Performance Analytics exports, please read our Introduction to Performance Analytics article or check our technical documentation.
Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions.