We are trying to implement location based notifications in our Unity 3D app. So we are willing to use Gimbal. But although we found Urban Airship Gimbal Adapters for iOS and Android, we did not find any Unity 3D Gimbal Adapters.

So is it possible to achieve Location based Notifications using Gimbal with Unity 3D?

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  • Hi Kevin,

    Just for clarification, are you looking more to accomplish push use cases such that you would be able to message users who are or have been in a particular region within a set timeframe?

    Or, would your use cases involve being able to message users as they exit or enter preset geofences or beacons?

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  • Hi Michael,

    Our use cases will involve being able to message users as they enter or exit preset geofences.

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  • Kevin,


    So, what you'll likely need is the actual Gimbal SDK added to your project, which you can get from the assets store.

    As far as the Gimbal Adapter goes, I don't believe we have an adapter file for Gimbal for Unity, however you wouldn't necessarily need one. At the base level, you would need to be able to detect, through the Gimbal SDK, when a region is entered or exited, and then send that event up to Urban Airship, via tags or Custom Events. 

    From there, you would be able to create automations based off of those events occurring. 


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