[Android] Message center "addListener()" callback is not triggered

Hi there,

I am running a service in background with the START_STICKY flag. In that service I am subscribing to updates:

richPushInbox.addListener(() -> updateUI());

but eventually, this callback is never invoked.

How should I or you make it work?



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  • Hi,

    Thank you for writing in with your question about the Message Center.

    The Message Center is a feature included in our Comprehensive plan. Customers on our Comprehensive plan can take advantage of a variety of support resources, including email support. If you are on this plan, please submit a ticket to us by filling out the form via https://support.urbanairship.com/ and we will be happy to assist you there, as it is a better medium for us to support these types of questions.

    Thank you very much,
    Urban Airship Technical Support Team

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