Unable to see tags in a Tag Group.


I have add a bunch of tags to my named Tag Group via POST the /api/named_users/tags API with the following payload

"audience": {
"named_user_id": ["934350"]
"add": {
"clevernudge": ["Moments.Activities.WokeUp", "Places.Work", "Places.Home"]


However when I go to the Automated message composer and try to create a message with Automation Trigger Events by Tags, the Select Tags lookahead box does not show any of these tags in my 'clevernudge' tag group. I've waited long enough after posting the tags to think its not an eventual read consistency issue.

What am I missing, which tags show up on the Select Tag lookup when trying to set up a tag based trigger for automated messages.


- anurag

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1 comment

  • Hi Anurag,


    When using the Tag lookup, make sure you keep case sensitivity in mind when searching for those tags. Tags will be case sensitive, so you'll want to keep that in mind when creating your tags as well, otherwise you might end up with a mess of tags to sort through!

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