Why can't I create a Production app?

I have created a Development app in the dashboard and it is working swimmingly. However, I want to enable push notifications for Production versions of my app. When I try to create an app in the Urban Airship dashboard, I only get the option for Development mode. Why can't I create a Production version?

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  • Ping. Can someone please answer my question? It seems like it should be basic to answer. I've tried contacting UA through email too and no answer.

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  • I have the same question, and have no idea...

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  • Same problem here.

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  • Hi All,

    This is Aaron with Urban Airship Technical Support. I'll be happy to help with your questions about creating production apps.

    The reason for this is because the 45-day trial accounts that you were under did only allowed the creation of development applications for the purposes of technical trial.

    Today we have unveiled new pricing and packaging that will allow all no-cost account to create production apps with an audience of less than 1000 devices. As your audience and app grow, we will move you into more full-featured plans.

    More information can be found here.

    Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide.

    My Best,
    Aaron Schuman
    Technical Support Engineer, Portland


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  • still cannot create production app ((

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  • Hi Chris,

    I can see that your account is still listed as a trial. Please create a new Starter Edition account using the link above, or when you trial expires you will automatically be converted to a Started Edition which will allow you to create production apps. 

    Please let me know if there is any more I can do.

    Best Regards,
    Aaron Schuman
    Technical Support Engineer, Portland


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  • I seem to have this same issue, but I registered yesterday with a Starter Edition account. Yet, I still can't find any settings on the dashboard that allow me to create a production app. Am I missing something?

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    Hi Technical Support Team,
    I am developer, I crated Plan Starter (E-Commerce) account (trial) in Urban Airship.I am trying to invoke the api services through CURL command getting below problems.
    Case1: First requestcurl https://go.urbanairship.com/api/push -X POST -u "<auth removed" -H "Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"audience": "all","notification": { "alert" : "A broadcast message" },"device_types": "all"}' Error:An appropriate representation of the requested resource /api/push could not be found on this server.
    Case2: Second requestcurl -vv https://connect.urbanairship.com/api/events/ --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" -H "X-UA-Appkey: <app-key>" -H "Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+x-ndjson; version=3;"-d "{}"
    To call above service i tried to create <access-token> in connections(DIRECT CONNECTION) through my "PlanStarter (E-Commerce) account(trial account)".I was unable to create <access-token>.To Create <access-token> do we need to change my plan?

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    Hi Technical Support Team,
    I am developer, I crated Plan Starter (E-Commerce) account (trial) in Urban Airship.I am trying to invoke the api services through CURL command getting below problems.
    Case1: First request
    curl https://go.urbanairship.com/api/push -X POST -u "<auth removed>" -H "Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+json; version=3" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"audience": "all","notification": { "alert" : "A broadcast message" },"device_types": "all"}' Error:An appropriate representation of the requested resource /api/push could not be found on this server.
    Case2: Second request
    curl -vv https://connect.urbanairship.com/api/events/ --compressed -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" -H "X-UA-Appkey: <app-key>" -H "Accept: application/vnd.urbanairship+x-ndjson; version=3;"-d "{}"
    To call above service I tried to create <access-token> in connections(DIRECT CONNECTION) through my "PlanStarter (E-Commerce) account(trial account)".
    I was unable to create <access-token>.
    To Create <access-token> do we need to change my plan?

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  • Hi Chnakaya ,

    Firstly, please do not include your app key and master secret in public postings. This will allow others to send pushes to your audience on your behalf. We recommend deleting the Urban Airship apps associated with that auth and creating those apps again.

    Secondly, your attempting to use Urban Airship Connect with is a companion data product to our Engage messaging product. This does require a plan upgrade. Please use the form here to find out more: https://www.urbanairship.com/lp/request-demo

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  • Hi Support Team,

    I have not logged into the panel for a while. I do not see the Production and Development iOS Apps any more in the new interface. What happened?

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