Error uploading to the Appstore iOS

Hi, we have a problem uploading our app to the Appstore.
The first problem is "unable to validate your application" The path '/var/folders/hm/.../MyApp.ipa' does not contain a file. (I attach an image).

So, we look for a solution to this and we found if we don't include the app symbols it should be upload to the appstore without a problem. But then appears the second problem:

ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file '' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at for information on the iOS app bundle structure."
(Image Attach)

Help please.

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  • Hi,

    I am facing same problem. Did u got solution ? Please tel me know...

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  • Hi Michael

    We follow exactly your Quick start Guide.

    Build Phases

    Build Phases are also like the Quick start Guide Config

    Please let us know what we can do.

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  • Hi, sorry for the delay.

    We build again our code with the same instructions (added Airship and AirshipKit folders via Finder, have the Copy items if needed" and Added folders as "Create folder references", AirshipKit.xcodeproj, was this added via the Finder window). And we still have problems uploading to the Appstore:

     "/Users/o96749/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/fxoubdcgrzlfbhavlxccypdlretq/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/.../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/ line 2: /Users/o96749/Downloads/Brasil: No such file or directory"

    Please help

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  • Benjamin,

    Would you be able to clear the Derived Data folder for your project? That sounds like Xcode might be holding on to some old data.

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  • Hi. I've cleared the derived data from the project. It hasn't changed this error.

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  • Benjamin,

    Would you be able to upload a copy of the project you're working with that is running into this problem? I'd like to see how everything is set up and see where the issue is.

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  • We can't upload a project for confidentiality of our client.

    What we can do is upload a video of how we add Urban Airship to our project, is that ok? it works for you?

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  • Benjamin,

    That should work!

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  • Vinay,

    Could you let us know what steps you took to integrate the SDK into your app? Have you been able to reproduce with the included Sample app?

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  • Hi Benjamin,

    Can you let us know how your build settings and build phases are set up in your app?

    If the SDK has not been integrated properly, or the wrong architectures are used, you could end up with an error like this.

    Let us know the exact steps you took to integrate the UA SDK and we'll be able to find out from there where the disconnect is.

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  • Hi Benjamin,

    When you added Airship and AirshipKit folders to your project, did you make sure that you added them via the Finder window and not within Xcode?

    Additionally, when choosing to add those folders, did you make sure that the Destination was chosen as "Copy items if needed" and Added folders as "Create folder references"?

    Next, when adding AirshipKit.xcodeproj, was this added via the Finder window and not via Xcode?

    Lastly, what changes did you make to your app to fix that first error? Is there any .lib files under your Copy Bundle Resources section in your Build Phases?

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