Tags and tag groups not getting registered


Initially Tags were getting registered from iOS app in Project Live (production version to be published being tested).  we wanted to remove already registered tags from the Live project. As we haven't found a way to clear the tags, we have deleted live project to clear earlier registered tags and created Live project again to have corrected tags. We can see that device tokens are getting registered; but tags doesn't seem registered as we are unable to see tags while creating message for target audience .  Any inputs or suggestions to resolve the issue? 

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  • In extension of the original query posted above, every time when the app tries to add tags, we are making updateRegistration call as well but still the tags are not registering in the UA console. Also, we noticed that the channel ID getting updated successfully when we add tags but still couldn't able to see those tags in UA console. 

    [[UAirship push]addTag:@"Registered user"];

    [[UAirship push] updateRegistration];

    Can anyone suggest what are other aspects we need to check to troubleshoot the issue of registering tags/tag groups?

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