How to filter audience based on backend and airship tags


I am required to sent notifications to both website users as well as app users. Both website users would see notifications in their messages inbox but app users get the advantage of getting a push notification. I already have a filter built over the backend field based on user preference (like gender, nationality, their actions) and time based activity. Based on this backend filter I would get a large list and I was planning to sent out push notifications using named users for those in the list that have app installed. Is this the right way to do this.

What are the better options. I also read about an API to upload a CSV list of Named Users. Is this a one time upload. Since I might want this notification for a certain time period. 

I might have to set up a push notification for users who have opened the app for the first time, or even just organically opened the app in the last 7 days, 30 days, or even just yesterday. How can I then get this notification so I can display in the website/app inbox?

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  • Hello Sudha,

    There are two options for you:

    1 - You may want to take a look at Lifecycle Lists (link here on a basic introduction on what they are - as the "set up a push notification for users who have opened the app for the first time, or even just organically opened the app in the last 7 days, 30 days, or even just yesterday" is default options that are already handled by this functionality.

    2 - If you are already filtering your audience on the backend, you can then generate the list of users you want to send a push to (link here on how to create the list - and either upload it to the dashboard (link here on uploading the list - or use the API to upload the CSV and update the list as needed (links on how to upload to the API and update here -,

    Please note that the Message Center doesn't exist for Web users.

    Kind regards,

    Chilun Liu Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Airship The Embassy Tea House, 195-205 Union Street, London, SE1 0LN

    Portland | San Francisco | London | Paris | New York | New Delhi

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  • Hi Chilun Liu,

    Thank you for getting back to me and pointing me to the links. Regarding point 2, we have concerns that if we upload the CSV (we plan to use the API), our Airship dashboard would be crowded and difficult to manage for our admin. We hope to handle this with maximum 3 - 4 requests somehow grouping the targeted audience. I have seen tags and groups. But our grouping may be dynamic. Is there a way to dynamically tag n users and push notification and then untag them. Is this recommended?

    Regarding Message Center, we plan to push notification only to our app users for now. 

    Thanks and regards.

    Sudha Mathew

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  • Hi Chilun Liu,

    I cannot read your last comment.

    Thanks and regards,

    Sudha Mathew

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  • Hi Sudha,

    That I'm not sure where that comment came from to be honest. I'm going to discuss this internally with my colleagues and I will update you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,

    Chilun Liu Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Airship The Embassy Tea House, 195-205 Union Street, London, SE1 0LN

    Portland | San Francisco | London | Paris | New York | New Delhi


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  • Hi Sudha,

    There should be no problem with the approach of tagging and then untaging with regardings to sending push to your users.

    Kind regards,

    Chilun Liu Senior Technical Support Engineer

    Airship The Embassy Tea House, 195-205 Union Street, London, SE1 0LN

    Portland | San Francisco | London | Paris | New York | New Delhi

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