[iOS] Handle Save (ua_save) interaction button

Hello everyone👋🏽 how are you?

I am writing here because the documentation is not clear to understand if a built in feature can work for our use case.

We are thinking of to add interactive buttons to push notifications, Share seems to be pretty straightforward however we are interested on use Save I could add and tap but I do not understand where I can handle that tap action, or what Airship is doing automatically.

In the payload of notification we have the ID of an article that we have to retrieve from the server and save on the user bookmarks in background, it's not necessary to open the app. 


  1. Can we use the built in Save button that Airship provides?
  2. How can we handle the tap action with payload data to process in background?

I hope to hear back from you soon,


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  • Hello Lisandro,

    Yes, you can and the set up the action on the Save button. It may also be beneficial to add a deep-link action, which directs your user to a page that executes some code to "save" the article. Here is a link to some information on deep linking:


    Kind regards,

    Chilun Liu

    Airship Support 

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  • Hello Chilun, thank you! The idea is handle the Save in background we will check the actionIdentifier when we process the save button. Thank you!

    On the other hand, I would like to ask if there is a way to show only the title of notification and only when the user expand the push notification show a detailed body with the title and the image? I know we can implement content extension with a view controller, but can we have that expected behaviour sending the specific data in the payload to prevent the body from appear when the PN is not expanded?



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