How can I get expiration time of UAMessage View from getInboxMessages() using Urban Airship React Native SDK?

How can I get expiration time of UAMessage View from getInboxMessages() using Urban Airship React Native SDK?

While sending notification from dashboard, I am able to set expiration time for message but not getting it when trying to fetch message object:

As per the documentation:,


Retrieves the current inbox messages. Each message will have the following properties: "id": string - The messages ID. Needed to display, mark as read, or delete the message. "title": string - The message title. "sentDate": number - The message sent date in milliseconds. "listIconUrl": string, optional - The icon url for the message. "isRead": boolean - The unread/read status of the message. "isDeleted": boolean - The deleted status of the message. "extras": object - String to String map of any message extras.


//IT SEEMS TO NOT RETURN EXPIRATION TIME OF MESSAGE, can you please confirm how can I get expiry time?

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