Hi Airship support team,
Currently we’re (Vietnam team) developing both the iOS and Android app that integrating Airship push notification.
After tested and saw that the push notification working normally, we’ve uploaded the ipa and apk files to TestFlight and App Center to let our client testing (Singapore).
We also download and installed those ipa and apk files for testing but there was no problem.
The problem is when our client downloaded and installed the app from the test flight or app center, their device can not received any push notification (both Android and iOS)
Then, we checked in Audience -> Device Tokens / Android Channel IDs page and realized it seems that their device token / Android ID is not registered when installed app, cause that they can not received any push notification.
In conclusion, although using the same app version but in our side, the device’s ID registered successfully when installed but in our client side can not registered their device’s ID. Do you have any opinions about this problem ?
These are some further more information:
We also asked them to check for the push notification permission on the iOS/Android device.
About our tested OS versions:
- Our tested version: iOS 13.5, Android 10
- Our client tested version: iOS 14.2, Android 10
This is what we’re setting in the iOS source code:
let config = UAConfig.default()
UAirship.push().userPushNotificationsEnabled = true
UAirship.push().defaultPresentationOptions = [.alert, .badge, .sound]
UAirship.push().registrationDelegate = self
UAirship.shared().deepLinkDelegate = self
Thanks and best regards