Inside Unity plugin version 9.0.0, \Plugins\iOS\UAUnityPlugin.h, on line 4:
#if __has_include("UAirship.h")
The line is the same in version 8.1.0
However, the file UAirship.h no longer exists in the ios cocapod or ios library as of ios plugin version 16 (unity version 8 used ios plugin version 14, where UAirship.h existed)
As a result, the preprocessor falls in the #else clause:
@import AirshipKit
which fails if modules are disabled, which appears to be the case in our app.
What are the proper include files to check against, and to include?
Here's the content of UAUnityPlugin.h at the beginning as of 9.0.0 . I suppose some #import statements may have to be changed there as well?
Thanks in advance.
#if __has_include("UAirship.h")
#import "UAirship.h"
#import "UAMessageCenter.h"
#import "UAPush.h"
#import "UAInboxMessage.h"
#import "UAAnalytics.h"
#import "UAInboxMessageList.h"
#import "UAInAppAutomation.h"
#import "UADefaultMessageCenterUI.h"
#import "UAAssociatedIdentifiers.h"
@import AirshipKit;