Unable to create UA Client Builder

We have encountered a strange issue where we see different behavior in Local Dev vs QA/Integration environment. From Local Dev environment we are able to use UA Java Client jar file, populate the push PayLoad, make UA API Call and successfully receive push notification on iOS device (All looks good). However when same code is deployed in QA Environment, the service call on client side halts at the very beginning where we try fetching builder object . Here is the pseudo code from our service where "Step 1" is logged and after that nothing happens - No exception, No Error. Code builds fine and we deployed war file onto Tomcat using Chef scripts. Please let us know specifically what additional details you need to assist us on this issue. Initially this issue sounded very trivial but turns out to be very tricky now. Greatly appreciate any help.

sendNotfication(string deviceId) {
log.info("Step 1");
try {
UrbanAirshipClient.Builder clientBuilder = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder(); //Execution Halts at this call.
log.info("Step 2");
catch (Exception e) {

 Environment Details:

  • Java 8
  • Tomcat 8
  • Deployed on AWS

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  • Hi Wagnon,

    To clarify, by a QA/Integration environment are you referring to an Ad hoc build of your app for testing? If so, you will need two separate apps in the Urban Airship dashboard: one for the local dev version of your app, and one for the QA/Integration version of your app. QA/Ad Hoc app builds need a corresponding prod app in our Dashboard with a production certificate provisioned for it. If you are trying to use development credentials for a QA/Ad hoc build, it will not work. 

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  • Hi,

    I'm also encountering a perplexing issue where our service behaves differently between the Local Dev and QA/Integration environments. In the Local Dev environment, we successfully use the UA Java Client jar file to populate the push payload, make UA API calls, and receive push notifications on iOS devices without any problems. However, in the QA environment, the service call halts right at the point where we attempt to fetch the builder object, and no exceptions or errors are logged.

    Here’s a simplified version of the pseudo code where the issue arises:

    Copy code
    sendNotification(String deviceId) { log.info("Step 1"); try { UrbanAirshipClient.Builder clientBuilder = UrbanAirshipClient.newBuilder(); // Execution halts here log.info("Step 2"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

    The code compiles correctly, and we’ve deployed the WAR file onto Tomcat using Chef scripts. The environment details are:

    • Java Version: 8
    • Tomcat Version: 8
    • Deployed on AWS

    Given that this issue is not present in our Local Dev environment, could anyone advise on what additional details or checks might be needed? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, especially if there are specific areas to check or configurations related to the "pool builder" in our setup.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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