No notification on Amazon


I am not getting notification on Amazon devices with SDK 8.0.2 or 8.2.+. On Google devices notification work well. When lookup for the device on the dashboard, I see green dot beside Installed, Opted In and Background. I also have a push address. I tried to send a notification to this device and to all devices.



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  • Hi Olivier,

    I'm not seeing any recent pushes for the GameSample apps you have on your account. Would you be able to let us know what app key you're testing on?

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  • I was using this account: with the GameSample - Test app with this device: 44427b00-6a2b-4728-a79b-bd83442f1e43

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  • Olivier,

    Did you make sure to store your ADM API key inside your assets folder in a file called api_key.txt? If not, please make sure you've followed those steps in Amazon's documentation

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  • Yes, our api_key.txt is good, if we put a wrong one, we saw errors in the logs and we wouldn't have a push address.

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  • Olivier,

    Would you perhaps happen to have any logs from the Amazon device? I'm not seeing anything in the app configuration that would point out any issues, and assuming you're using the same code across both Android and Amazon, it should work. But, I'd be curious to see if the Amazon device shows any logging that might point out the issue to us. 

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  • You can set up notifications to receive text messages or emails about your account or order, from or on behalf of Amazon.

    1. Go to Your Account.
    2. Under Communication and content, select Communication preferences.
    3. If you haven't already, add your phone number to your account:
      1. Under SMS preferences, select Add your mobile phone number.
      2. To the right of Mobile phone number, select Add.
      3. Enter your number. Select Continue and OK.
      4. Verify your phone number by entering the one-time password that we'll send to your phone.
    4. Under Mail preferences, you can opt in or out of receiving post about your Amazon memberships, new Amazon products and services, deals or recommendations.
    5. Under Email Preferences, you can select from which departments you wish to receive promotional emails. You can select your preferred email format.
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