Using tags for named users from dashboard

Hi there,


We have 2 kinds of push notifications:

* marketing notifications, which we usually send to most of of users. Our marketing team sends these notifications from the dashboard.

* transactional notifications, which are sent to named users. These notifications are sent through our back-end using UA REST API.


We'd like to present a new screen in our mobile app, allowing users to switch off and on both or one these 2 types of notifications.

What is the best way to do this?



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  • Hi,

    Thank you for posting your question in our Community Forum.

    From my understanding you would like to build a preferences view within your application, allowing a user to set preferences on whether they are able to receive different types of notifications.

    You can accomplish by adding or removing tags such as “marketing” or “transactional” when the user interacts with the application view. Both the Dashboard and the API allow for targeting segments of your audience based on these tags. You can even create and save segments for reuse.

    This article gives some great use cases for tags, and you can consult these documents on implementing tags in iOS and Android.

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  • Thank you, Brian. We'll follow your suggestion.

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