Hi there,
I'm trying to install the library using carthage.
This is the content of the cartfile:
github "urbanairship/ios-library"
But when I run "carthage update" I get this:
*** Fetching ios-library
*** Checking out ios-library at "8.4.2"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/75/gpw0bhmj2g1fx4wxnfzw8bsw0000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.YFVKBH.log
*** Building scheme "AirshipAppExtensions" in Airship.xcworkspace
And when I go to MyProject/Carthage/Build/iOS
The only things I see is the AirshipAppExtensions.framework.
There's nothing else generated.
Am I missing something here?