I get error message 'Oops! Something went wrong.' 
Help please

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  • Hi Jason,

    You'll get that error for Android if you select a silent push message type and go directly to 'Send Now' without adding custom keys or the collapse key. We are looking at modifying the workflow for creating silent push notifications to make it more clear that the Message Composer expects some non-alerting elements to be added to the payload.

    In the meantime, just be sure to add either a custom key or a collapse key in the Content tab of the Message Composer and you should be able to send out the silent notification.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Best regards,
    Jenn Miller

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  • Hi Jenn,

    Thank you very much. It's solved! 

    Best Regards,

    Jason Teo

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  • When silent push notifications fail to work on Android, it can stem from several underlying issues. First, ensure that the server configuration is correct and that the payload structure adheres to the specifications for silent pushes. It's critical to include the "content_available": true flag in the payload to signal the device to wake up and process the notification in the background without alerting the user of ICC Men.

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  • Silent push notifications not working on Android devices can stem from several issues, each requiring specific troubleshooting steps. A common cause is improper configuration of the notification payload, where the absence of necessary fields such as "content-available" or incorrect priority settings can prevent the notification from being delivered silently. Additionally, the app's apple background services must be properly set up to handle these notifications, ensuring they can perform tasks without user intervention.

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