Notifications don't pop up inside the Samsung Gear VR ..


When the Samsung Gear VR is plugged to my S7 the notifications don't popped up inside it but they are well received as it should be

My app is not developed for the Samsung Gear VR app ...

FYI: I receive notifications inside the Gear VR from other apps like WhatsApp

Any idea ? THX

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  • Hello Olivier,

    I have a couple of questions for you so that I can better troubleshoot this issue:

    1. Is the S7 unlocked while you are sending out the push notifications? The push notifications will only show up on your Gear if the phone is locked. This is standard for most smartphone and digital watch pairings to improve the user experience.
    2. Your Gear must opt-in to receive notifications from your application regardless of whether there is a watch version of it or not. Double check that the Gear is opted-in to receive notifications from your app. You can do this by clicking on the Gear app from your S7, and then clicking on Notifications > Manage Notifications.

    Thank you. I look forward to hearing your response.

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  • My bad I was talking about Samsung Gear VR not the smartwatch ...

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  • Hello Olivier,

    Sorry on my end if I missed that. I am not very familiar with the Gear VR, but there should be a place where you can control the settings for the Gear VR - either on the phone or on the Gear VR itself. I would ensure that notifications from your app are enabled for the Gear VR.

    When you say the notifications are well received (referring to your first comment), do you mean that the notifications are showing up on the phone but not on the Gear VR? Do you know if you still receive notifications on your Gear VR if your S7 is unlocked?

    I will do some more research in the meantime to see what I can find out about how notifications work for the Gear VR. 

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  • Right, the notifications are showing up on the phone but not on the gear ...

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  • After reading support articles issued by Samsung about the Gear VR, it looks like the Gear VR is only set up to receive general notifications like events, messages, and calls. This is probably because it is still relatively new. You mentioned that you are able to receive alerts from Whatsapp, which might be because it is messaging application. Are there other apps that you are able to receive messages from on the Gear VR? It could be possible that code has to be added into your app in order to handle sending push notifications to the Gear VR.

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  • If notifications aren’t popping up in Samsung Gear VR, try adjusting app permissions or settings. I had the same issue using a WhatsApp Tool, and tweaking the notification settings fixed it!

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