UAirship configuration corrupts local notifications

The act of adding and configuring urban airship for push notifications somehow corrupts my local notifications. I have scheduled local notifications with two notification actions. Without UA they fire correctly, on schedule, with actions available. With UA, they fire twice per notification and the actions are gone.


What is it about UA configuration that is doing this and is there any way to stop it? Are the two types of notifications fundamentally incompatible when using UA?

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  • Justin,

    Scheduling local notifications and using remote notifications in the same app is not an uncommon occurrence. It's something that should work in tandem with UA.

    That said, it may also depend on how you've set up your local notifications and what iOS version you are on. on iOS version 9.2 and below, there was a bug that allowed push notifications to be displayed twice on the device.For local notifications, there have been reports of old notifications showing on the device, making it seem as if the device was showing two notifications. This is dependent on your implementation of remote and local notifications. If you are registering User Notifications twice, that may result in "duplicate" notifications as well.

    There are quite a bit of Stack Overflow questions related to the problem you're having, so we should be able to find out the problem.

    If you don't mind, we can take a look at your implementation of local notifications and remote notifications, and we should see the problem from there.

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  • Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I am seeing these results on a device running 9.2.1. Regarding your suggestions, two things I know for certain:

    * this is only happening with local notifications (I disabled push permissions on my local build due to cert issues but left the UA instantiation in)

    * the notifications are definitely firing TWICE per SINGLE notification - this is not a case of unknowingly scheduling a notification twice or seeing old repeating notifications. For one, I actually took that into consideration and added logging that shows the notifications the app has registered with the device at any given time, so I know exactly what is in the queue. And for two, when I comment out the UA instantiation, the notifications work perfectly.


    What would be the best next step? I can't show you the code in our app, but I can create a small demo version that shows just the code in question. Should I do that and post it here?



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  • Justin,

    I think a demo version should work just fine! We can take a look and go from there.

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  • Nice. This system limits uploads to 20MB but the Airship framework itself is 45MB. So basically I can't upload a sample project that uses your product.

    Let me create a repo in github and send you a link.

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  • Ok, here's the repo: - it's currently private. Do you have an email I can share it with?

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  • Justin,

    Go ahead and share it to

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  • Shared! Sorry if I was snippy earlier - I blame Monday. I gave you write access in case you want to comment or anything else.

    Is this a private thread?

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  • Justin,

    No worries! I'll go ahead and comment on the repo, as this thread is public.

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