UA library crash on iOS 9.2

Hello, we have notice a very frequent error on our application. This error comes from UrbanAirship`s SDK and it has been increasing since iOS 9.2. I will share with you a link from crashlytics, so you can get better information about this issue. We would like us to explain which is the best way to fix this issue, because in some of our users it is killing the application. Thanks and I will wait for your answer.

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1 comment

  • Hi Manuel,


    Welcome to the Urban Airship Community Forums! In order for me to begin looking into your particular crash, can you include all of the information listed in our Knowledge Base article, "Information to include with iOS crash or issue"? Have you been able to reproduce it on your end?


    We will need this information in order to be able to fully investigate and determine why this is occurring.


    Thank you,


    Urban Airship Technical Support

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