Send push notifications to multiple users on the same device?

I have an iOS app that supports multi account login and have unique named_user_id for all the accounts. How do I send push notifications to all these users given they have the same push token.

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  • To send push notifications to multiple users with unique named_user_id but the same push token in your iOS app, iterate through the user accounts, associate each named_user_id with the shared push token, and send notifications accordingly using a push notification service like Firebase Cloud Messaging, many actors used this also check celebrities networth.

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  • Sending push notifications to multiple users on the same device can be achieved through targeted messaging systems or specialized software solutions. These tools enable administrators or app developers to segment user groups and send notifications selectively to specific recipients, even if they share the same device. By leveraging unique identifiers or user profiles, such systems ensure that notifications reach the intended audience effectively without spamming unrelated users. This approach enhances user engagement, personalizes communication, and maximizes the impact of promotional items or messages. Implementing such strategies optimizes the efficiency of push notification campaigns and improves overall user experience.

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  • I have an iOS app that supports multi account login and have unique named_user_id for all the accounts. How do I send push notifications to all these users given they have the same push token. promotional hats

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  • I have one key plugin it is a best one and easy to use


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