Custom Events and Screen Tracking Events are not getting reported on the Urban Airship Portal. Need help!

We have created Urban Airship account as a free user and successfully able to test push notifications. But, even after following the steps as per documentation, Custom Events and Screen Tracking Events (i.e. analytic) are not getting reported/tracked on the Urban Airship Portal. For this issue we have also raised query to the support team (Ticket/Request No.: #29088)

PFB the details:

  • Device Token: 4CFC6C2067EEE2355DBF848C427AF
  • Username:
  • Urban Airship SDK or Library Version: 7.3.0
  • App Key or App Name: ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig



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  • Hi!

    With regards to Screen tracking, this feature is only trackable through our Urban Airship Connect product, not through the Urban Airship Engage portal. You will be unable to track these until you have Connect as part of your plan.

    For Custom Events, you should be able to view Custom Events in the dashboard by navigating to "Reports" > "Event Tracking"


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  • Thanks @Michael, regarding screen tracking we got your point. But with Custom Events Tracking that's the problem what we are facing, Events are not being reported/tracked (i.e. under "Reports" > "Event Tracking").

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  • Can you post the code you are using in your app to set Custom Events, and let me know where you're setting it?

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  • Sure @Michael. PFB the code which we are using:


    In the App Delegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method:

    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    UAConfig *config = [UAConfig defaultConfig];

    [UAirship takeOff:config];

    NSString *channelID = [UAirship push].channelID;

    NSLog(@"My Application Channel ID: %@", channelID);

    [UAirship push].userNotificationTypes = (UIUserNotificationTypeAlert | UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound);

    [UAirship push].userPushNotificationsEnabled = YES;

    [UAirship push].pushNotificationDelegate = self;

    [UAirship push].autobadgeEnabled = YES;

    // Reset the badge

    [[UAirship push] resetBadge];

    [UAirship shared].analytics.enabled = YES;



    In didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method:

    - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {   

    [[UAirship push] appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];



    To track Custom Event, in action trigger method when user press a button:

    - (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender {

    UACustomEvent *event = [UACustomEvent eventWithName:@"On Button Press" value:@1.0];

    [[UAirship shared].analytics addEvent:event];



    In AirshipConfig.plist file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

    <plist version="1.0">















    Please let us know if you require anything else!

    Thanks a lot for the support :)



    Push notifications are working fine and one thing we want to drag in your notice that event is getting generated in the application debug logs but not tracked or reported on portal.


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  • Looking at your app, for some reason it seems like analytics data is turned off/not being sent to UA.

    Let's do two things:

    First, call this somewhere in your app (Probably before the button press for the Custom event)

    [BOOL analyticsEnabled = [UAirship shared].analytics.enabled;

    We want to make sure the Bool is set to YES. If it is, great!

    Secondly, go ahead and attach your Xcode logs. I'm willing to bet there is something in there that might tip us off as to why analytic data is not getting into your UA app. 

    As far as your code goes, it looks correct. So, once we get some of the logs back, we should be able to dig in a little more and see what else we can find that would be causing this problem.

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  • Hi Michael!

    I have checked whether analytics is enabled or not, before the button press of Custom Event and Yes, it is enabled (also logged status in the logs).

    PFB the application Xcode logs you have asked for:

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.513 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 218] UAirship Take Off! Lib Version: 7.3.0 App Key: ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig Production: NO.

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.513 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 226] Setting User-Agent for UA requests to DirectGeneral 1.0.15 (iPhone; iPhone OS 8.1.1; UALib 7.3.0; ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig; en_IN)

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.535 DirectGeneral[548:199109] Channel ID: 0ab49c6b-c0ce-4e1a-bb81-fa5697e4ba5b

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.545 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UANamedUser update] [Line 83] New or re-install, skipping named user update.

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.557 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UADefaultMessageCenterStyle setValue:forUndefinedKey:] [Line 164] Ignoring invalid UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle key: detectProvisioningMode

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.557 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UADefaultMessageCenterStyle setValue:forUndefinedKey:] [Line 164] Ignoring invalid UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle key: developmentAppKey

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.557 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UADefaultMessageCenterStyle setValue:forUndefinedKey:] [Line 164] Ignoring invalid UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle key: productionAppSecret

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.558 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UADefaultMessageCenterStyle setValue:forUndefinedKey:] [Line 164] Ignoring invalid UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle key: developmentAppSecret

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.558 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UADefaultMessageCenterStyle setValue:forUndefinedKey:] [Line 164] Ignoring invalid UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle key: productionAppKey

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.558 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 295] Automatic setup enabled.

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.559 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:completionHandler: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.559 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:withResponseInfo:completionHandler: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.560 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.560 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 101] Swizzling implementation for application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.561 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 101] Swizzling implementation for application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.562 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.562 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 101] Swizzling implementation for application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: class DFAppDelegate

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.562 DirectGeneral[548:199109] My Application Channel ID: 0ab49c6b-c0ce-4e1a-bb81-fa5697e4ba5b


    2016-09-14 11:07:25.857 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding app_init event EE277771-9671-43FD-8EA0-D02F6CD504FE.

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.881 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAPush updateRegistration] [Line 896] APNS registration is out of date, updating.

    2016-09-14 11:07:25.882 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAPush updateAPNSRegistration] [Line 1042] Registering for user notification types 7.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.096 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAInboxMessageList retrieveMessageListWithSuccessBlock:withFailureBlock:] [Line 128] Retrieving message list.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.132 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 329] [UAirship takeOff] was not called in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.132 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [E] __52+[UAirship handleAppDidFinishLaunchingNotification:]_block_invoke [Line 330] Please ensure that [UAirship takeOff] is called synchronously before application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: returns

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.145 DirectGeneral[548:199109]

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.160 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 389] Inbox messages updated.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.161 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 391] Loaded saved messages: (


    2016-09-14 11:07:26.186 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] -[UAPush appRegisteredUserNotificationSettings] [Line 1106] Application did register with user notification types 3.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.191 DirectGeneral[548:199109] Device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.192 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] -[UAPush appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:] [Line 1091] Application registered device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.193 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding device_registration event 3FC4A039-523F-4BB7-BB56-31D3A3350303.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.237 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAChannelRegistrar updateChannel:channelLocation:withPayload:] [Line 99] Updating channel 0ab49c6b-c0ce-4e1a-bb81-fa5697e4ba5b

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.239 DirectGeneral[548:199109] Device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.240 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] -[UAPush appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:] [Line 1091] Application registered device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.241 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding device_registration event EC776F8E-CE27-4DA3-B9CA-18CA785B435C.

    2016-09-14 11:07:26.281 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAChannelRegistrar registerWithChannelID:channelLocation:withPayload:forcefully:] [Line 58] Ignoring registration request, one already in progress.


    2016-09-14 11:07:42.282 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] __59-[UAInboxAPIClient retrieveMessageListOnSuccess:onFailure:]_block_invoke_3 [Line 172] Setting Last-Modified time to '(null)' for user NtOnR_DzR0mi0r43JDpGpQ's message list.

    2016-09-14 11:07:42.284 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] __75-[UAInboxMessageList retrieveMessageListWithSuccessBlock:withFailureBlock:]_block_invoke.73 [Line 166] Refreshing message list.

    2016-09-14 11:07:42.292 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 389] Inbox messages updated.

    2016-09-14 11:07:42.292 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 391] Loaded saved messages: (


    2016-09-14 11:07:47.728 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [I] -[UAPush registrationSucceededWithPayload:] [Line 1112] Channel registration updated successfully.


    2016-09-14 11:08:37.711 DirectGeneral[548:199109] Is Analytics Enabled:-- 1

    2016-09-14 11:08:39.316 DirectGeneral[548:199109] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding custom_event event F08FADA6-6F3B-41D9-84EC-EB0752415846.

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  • It doesn't look like the analytic events are being uploaded to us at all, so, that is the problem.

    I suspect it might be because you either have not properly disabled swizzling of the app delegate, or finished integrating push delegate methods.

    If you're wanting to disable swizzling, you'd need to set the key automaticSetupEnabled to NO in your airshipconfig.plist, as well as implement the following app delegate methods.

    Otherwise, if you just want to leave it alone, simply remove the 

    [[UAirship push] appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];

    from the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method.


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  • Hi!

    @Michael, We have tried both the approaches suggested by you:

    1. Disabled swizzling by setting the key automaticSetupEnabled to NO in our airshipconfig.plist, as well as implemented the following app delegate methods.
    2. Simply removed the [[UAirship push] appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken]; from the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method. And let UA library to handle everything.

    But still Events are not getting tracked on the portal.

    Apart from that we have also tried with the sample application which Urban Airship has provided with library. Even with that too, custom events are not getting tracked on the portal.


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  • 2 things I want to check:

    1) Can you send me the full Xcode logs here?

    2) Is it possible that your wi-fi network is blocking traffic to/from Urban Airship? Can you confirm that?

    The fact that no analytic data is being sent is concerning, even on the sample app, which makes me think it might not have to do with your implementation. So, it could be the device itself, or something else.

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  • Hi Michael,

    PFB the Xcode Logs for UA Sample Application:

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.871 Sample[887:367979] [T] +[UAConfig configWithContentsOfFile:] [Line 177] Config options: {

        automaticSetupEnabled = 1;

        detectProvisioningMode = 1;

        developmentAppKey = "ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig";

        developmentAppSecret = BkRSjJu9Rk2mFEiVwrzbrg;

        productionAppKey = 0CAM3IiWT9C4yZPQzPD3Wg;

        productionAppSecret = bi6eRpcdQWqZZkfiH0VmcA;


    2016-09-16 15:16:39.873 Sample[887:367979] [T] +[UAConfig isProductionProvisioningProfile:] [Line 343] Profile path: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/0EAF1295-59D0-47C3-9F75-EB21A3B123B2/

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.874 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAConfig isProductionProvisioningProfile:] [Line 367] Debug provisioning profile. Uses the APNS Sandbox Servers.

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.874 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAConfig isProductionProvisioningProfile:] [Line 378] APS Environment set to development

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.880 Sample[887:367979] [I] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 218] UAirship Take Off! Lib Version: 7.3.0 App Key: ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig Production: NO.

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.881 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 226] Setting User-Agent for UA requests to Sample 1.0 (iPhone; iPhone OS 8.1.1; UALib 7.3.0; ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig; en_IN)

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.894 Sample[887:367979] Channel ID: 0ab49c6b-c0ce-4e1a-bb81-fa5697e4ba5b

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.929 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UANamedUser update] [Line 83] New or re-install, skipping named user update.

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.942 Sample[887:367979] [I] +[UAirship executeUnsafeTakeOff:] [Line 295] Automatic setup enabled.

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.943 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:completionHandler: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.943 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:handleActionWithIdentifier:forRemoteNotification:withResponseInfo:completionHandler: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.943 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.944 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.944 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.945 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.946 Sample[887:367979] [D] +[UAAppDelegateProxy swizzle:implementation:class:] [Line 106] Adding implementation for application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: class AppDelegate

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.946 Sample[887:367979] Config:

    Resolved App Key: ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig

    Resolved App Secret: BkRSjJu9Rk2mFEiVwrzbrg

    In Production (resolved): 0

    In Production (as set): 0

    Development App Key: ewiWEzmiQ-uaK-vfO677ig

    Development App Secret: BkRSjJu9Rk2mFEiVwrzbrg

    Production App Key: 0CAM3IiWT9C4yZPQzPD3Wg

    Production App Secret: bi6eRpcdQWqZZkfiH0VmcA

    Development Log Level: 4

    Production Log Level: 1

    Resolved Log Level: 4

    Detect Provisioning Mode: 1

    Analytics Enabled: 1

    Analytics URL:

    Device API URL:

    Cache Size: 100 MB

    Landing Page Content URL:

    Automatic Setup Enabled: 1

    Clear user on Application Restore: 0

    Whitelist: (


    Clear named user on App Restore: 0

    Channel Capture Enabled: 1

    Custom Config: {


    Delay Channel Creation: 0

    Default Message Center Style Config File: UAMessageCenterDefaultStyle

    2016-09-16 15:16:39.998 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding app_init event 4B90232F-C879-4BD9-A741-283B96014129.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.012 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAPush updateRegistration] [Line 896] APNS registration is out of date, updating.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.013 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAPush updateAPNSRegistration] [Line 1042] Registering for user notification types 7.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.111 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAChannelRegistrar updateChannel:channelLocation:withPayload:] [Line 99] Updating channel 0ab49c6b-c0ce-4e1a-bb81-fa5697e4ba5b

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.112 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAInboxMessageList retrieveMessageListWithSuccessBlock:withFailureBlock:] [Line 128] Retrieving message list.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.118 Sample[887:367979] [I] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 389] Inbox messages updated.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.118 Sample[887:367979] [D] __56-[UAInboxMessageList refreshInboxWithCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke_2 [Line 391] Loaded saved messages: (


    2016-09-16 15:16:40.142 Sample[887:367979] [I] -[UAPush appRegisteredUserNotificationSettings] [Line 1106] Application did register with user notification types 7.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.151 Sample[887:367979] Device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.151 Sample[887:367979] [I] -[UAPush appRegisteredForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:] [Line 1091] Application registered device token: 4cfc6c2067eee2355dbf848c427afee12d8061339ad7c24bd3fd15d1cfa7e7c8

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.151 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding device_registration event 440F8FD4-0744-483E-9C65-6E0F52E555C5.

    2016-09-16 15:16:40.197 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAChannelRegistrar registerWithChannelID:channelLocation:withPayload:forcefully:] [Line 58] Ignoring registration request, one already in progress.

    2016-09-16 15:16:51.783 Sample[887:367979] ISAnalyticsEnabled:-- 1

    2016-09-16 15:16:51.785 Sample[887:367979] [D] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 252] Adding custom_event event 73F2CCA0-530B-4CFC-AC80-9C2E33EF6339.

    2016-09-16 15:16:51.826 Sample[887:367979] [I] -[UAInAppMessaging displayMessage:forcefully:] [Line 251] Displaying in-app message: {

        display =     {

            alert = "Copied to clipboard!";

            duration = "1.5";

            position = top;

            "primary_color" = "#ffffc828";

            "secondary_color" = "#ff00698f";

            type = banner;


        expiry = "2016-10-16T09:46:51";


    2016-09-16 15:16:53.544 Sample[887:367979] [W] -[UAAnalytics addEvent:] [Line 243] Dropping invalid event UAEvent ID: A824DB26-EDE0-42C9-AEE8-8775689C5AFC type: in_app_resolution time: 1474019213.543844 data: {

        resolution =     {

            "display_time" = "1.502";

            type = "timed_out";





    WI-FI network we are using here is open network, it is not blocking any traffic. And we have also tried with other device too, but the result is same, custom events are not getting tracked. 


    One thing which we are curious about, that UA is generating a unique Event_Id when a custom event is triggered from application (seen in Xcode logs), it means that application is sending request to UA library and it is generating Event_Id but not processing further.

    Please correct us if we are wrong!

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  • Out of curiosity, have you tested on a non iOS 8 device?

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  • Hi!

    Michael- We have tested on iOS 8 subversion devices only.

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  • My suspicion is that the analytic event, although it is generating the unique Event ID, the network must be timing out when trying to send the analytic event to us. I'm not entirely sure why that is at the moment, but we're getting there!

    If you could, go ahead and set up Charles Proxy on your device and attach the logs here. I'm looking to see analytic events that are fired in the app and what the HTTP response will be. That should give us something to work off of next.

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