In App Message Tap Action using 9.0.2

In 8.6.0 version in UAInAppMessagingDelegate, there used to be "messageTapped:" function to handle the user taps on the in-app messages. How can it be done using 9.0.2 version?


  • Delegate protocol for receiving in-app messaging related
  • callbacks.
    @protocol UAInAppMessagingDelegate


/// @name In App Messaging Delegate Methods


  • Indicates that an in-app message has been stored as pending.
  • @param message The associated in-app message.
  • (void)pendingMessageAvailable:(UAInAppMessage *)message;


  • Indicates that an in-app message will be automatically displayed.
  • @param message The associated in-app message.
  • (void)messageWillBeDisplayed:(UAInAppMessage *)message;


  • Indicates that an in-app message body has been tapped.
  • (void)messageTapped:(UAInAppMessage *)message;


  • Indicates that an in-app message button has been tapped.
  • (void)messageButtonTapped:(UAInAppMessage *)message buttonIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;


  • Indicates that an in-app message has been dismissed by the user or a timeout.
  • (void)messageDismissed:(UAInAppMessage *)message timeout:(BOOL)timedOut;


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1 comment

  • Hi Skanna,

    This is Sean with Urban Airship Technical Support.

    We overhauled the In-App Message feature in version 9 of our iOS SDK. There is no longer a way to tap the message itself, as the messages are more dynamic and generally require interaction with a specific part of the message.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Thank you,
    Sean Conlin
    Urban Airship Technical Support
    Portland, Oregon

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