Push notification to all audience how to send notification in preferred language

We want to be able to sent push notification to all our app users, so I am assuming we will use "audience": "all". But we want that the user can view the message in their preferred language in the mobile setting. Is this possible? 

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  • Hi Sudha,

    Thanks for contacting Airship. My name is Chilun from Technical Support here at Airship and I would be happy to help with this.

    Have you explored the information in the links below?



    You should be able to find language a language tag group called "ua_locale_language" that could be of use to you?

    Please feel free to send me any follow-up questions and I'll gladly get back to you as soon as possible.

    Kind regards,
    Chilun Liu
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    The Embassy Tea House, 195-205 Union Street, London, SE1 0LN
    Portland | San Francisco | London | Paris | New York | New Delhi

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  • Hi Chilun, 

    Thank you for responding. Is this tag (ua_locale_language) based on the mobile setting. When does urban airship capture this information? Does UA create this tag as soon as app is installed by the user. What if user changes mobile language setting after app is installed. Does this tag get automatically updated?

    Thanks and regards,

    Sudha Mathew

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  • Hi Sudha,

    Here are the answers to your questions:

    Q. Is this tag (ua_locale_language) based on the mobile setting?

    A. That tag is what is referred to as a Device Property, which reads in the device's language and region.

    Q. When does urban airship capture this information?

    A. As soon as you assign values to the Device Property Tagshttp://docs.urbanairship.com/reference/device-property-tags.html#location).

    Q. Does UA create this tag as soon as app is installed by the user?

    A. No, you have to firstly set it through the Device Property Tags. Once you have done that, the ua_locale_language tag group automatically applies tags to devices based on the device's locale - http://docs.urbanairship.com/reference/device-property-tags.html#location.

    Q. What if user changes mobile language setting after app is installed; Does this tag get automatically updated?

    A. Yes it does.

    Kind regards,
    Chilun Liu
    Senior Technical Support Engineer

    The Embassy Tea House, 195-205 Union Street, London, SE1 0LN
    Portland | San Francisco | London | Paris | New York | New Delhi

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