Android Notification expiration and maximum amount

On Android I noticed that there is a maximum amount of notifactions that one single App can recieve. This differs between manufactures. The problem is if the number of notifications exceeds the maximum amount, all followig notifications are not shown. I noticed that there is an Notification Expiry setting. However as I unsterstand it this  is used as a time-threshold after which a notifaction won't be sent anymore.

What I'm looking for is a feature which automatically removes notifications from a users device after a configurable amount of time. Please also have a look and the example screenshot of an full notification list.

Could you please assure me if this is possible and if there is a setting which covers my needs?

Thanks in advance and best regards,




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1 comment

  • René,

    This is Eric from Airship Technical Support.

    The feature you are looking for is something that neither Apple or Google has. Once a push notification is delivered to a device it is up to the user to view it or remove it.

    Thank you,
    Eric L.
    Technical Support Engineer
    Airship | Portland
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