Deep Links in Message Center Messages

I am working on revamping our welcome series journey. One of the messages includes a deep-link.

  • On iOS the the deep-link loads behind the mess the message center message, but does not clear the message. Is there away to have the message clear when a user taps the link? The link is at the end of the message and it is clear from the context of the message that link will be taking users to that feature. What are best practices around this kind of message?
  • On android, clicking the deep-link loads screen with am android system error message similar to a 404 error. Does android use a different deeplink structure?


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  • Hello Mike,

    The default behavior of the Message Center does not allow a Message Center message to be dismissed when a deep link is clicked. If you'd like this functionality, you would need to build this yourself. There isn't really a best practice for accomplishing this, but is your app built natively in Xcode, or are you using something like Xamarin? Do you have the exact error that is returned when tapping on the deeplink?

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  • Hello Mike,

    Please note that to continue with this thread, you will have to reply here. To use Airship with Ionic, you would have to integrate Airship as a Cordova plugin in your project. We don't officially support Ionic, so we, unfortunately, don't have any sample code specific to that platform.

    In the meantime, you can take a look at these links that may be of use to you:

    If you have any additional questions, be sure to post in the Community forums as we check and answer posts there regularly.

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