Targetting multiple named users with a push - is there a limit?

Using the Ruby gem wrapper for the Airship API (, we sometimes send push notifications that target multiple named users as their audience.The use case for this is generally when we want to target certain groups of users that are selected based on behaviors or other factors that are outside of the context of Airship itself.

So far we've limited and broken them down into chunks of 1000 named users per push notification audience, however, this is starting to become impractical because our product occasionally runs campaigns that target thousands or even tens of thousands of specific users.

Is there a defined limit for how many named users can/should be targeted in the audience of one push notification?

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  • Hi!


    In one push notification, you can target up to 1000 Named Users.

    However, I would recommend taking a look at implementing Tags as a way to segment your audience. This way, when you want to send a push to a group of users that meet some criteria or condition, you can simply reference the Tag, and we'll do the resolving of the audience from there to send to the appropriate users.

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  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for the info! We'll consider the tag approach and see if that could work for us. In the meantime, do you know if there is any documentation or something similar that specifically mentions this limit of 1000 named users per push? Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any so far.

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  • Unfortunately this isn't specified in our main API reference documentation, however we do have a handy guide located in our Support Portal regarding the limitations of certain API endpoints.

    What are the limitations to the Airship Engage API?

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