Badge displays even though .badge is excluded from notificationOptions in SDK.

I have the following set:

                UAirship.push().notificationOptions = [.alert, .sound]

Up until last week no badges were popping up on the app logo, which is the intended behavior. But, just recently a badge randomly was displayed along with push notifications. I have since programmatically reset the badge counter on launch and foreground event. However, i'm alarmed as to why the badge showed up in the first place. 

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  • Hi Kenny,

    This is Mikey with Airship Technical Support. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This issue appears to coincide with an Airship Production Incident that resulted in unexpected badging for users. The issue has since been resolved, and you should not be seeing this issue persist. 


    Our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused!



    Mikey R.

    Airship Group | Technical Support Engineer | Portland, OR

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  • which is the intended behavior. But, just recently a badge randomly was displayed along with push notifications. I have since programmatically reset the badge counter on launch and foreground event promotional branded clothing

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  • The issue you're describing involves a badge appearing in notifications, even though the .badge attribute is excluded in the notificationOptions within the SDK. This can occur due to the way notification options are being handled or overridden by default settings in the SDK. Excluding .badge should typically prevent the badge from being displayed on the app icon or lock screen for teer dream, but if it still appears, it might indicate a bug or misconfiguration in the SDK or in how the notification options are being processed before being sent.


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