Push notifications are sent with a delay

Our application uses urban Airship API service for sending push notifications from server to iOS & Android devices. We have problems with the delivery of the push notification. When we send push notification to users, sometimes receives push immediately and most of the times push notification delayed more than an hour. Users from Sweden mostly complain about the push notification delay.

Could you please help us to solve the issue with a push notification delivery delay?
Due to this huge push notification delay to users causing users missing some important updates from us on time basis.
Please let us know reason behind this problem.

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  • Cedric,

    I had converted this into a ticket and sent you an email a few days ago. By any chance did you receive it?

    Thank you,

    Eric L.
    Technical Support Engineer
    Airship Group | Apptimize | Portland

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  • We have problems with the delivery of the push notification. When we send push notification to users, sometimes receives Branded water bottles push immediately and most of the times push notification delayed more than an hour. Users from Sweden mostly complain about the push notification delay.

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