I'm posting this question here in case other Airship users have had the same experience and may be able to offer a solution. I also created a detailed post on StackOverflow including the .yml files related to this issue.
Using Azure pipelines, I am trying to build/deploy a Xamarin iOS app that depends on the Airship iOS service extension that enables rich push notifications.
To build an iOS app and a related iOS service extension requires multiple provisioning profiles, one for the app and another for the service extension.
The Azure pipeline build fails, complaining that the service extension provisioning profile does not match the apps provisioning profile.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can get an Azure pipeline build to succeed when using the the Airship iOS service extension and multiple provisioning profiles?
In case it matters, the app is developed using Visual Studio for Mac. I am able to build and run it on a physical test device.
This is the error message we get in the Azure pipeline console. This message is output when trying to build the service extension.
Info.plist : error : Project bundle identifier 'com.xxxxx.ServiceExtension' does not match specified provisioning profile 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx'
(The xxxxx's represent our apps provisioning profile uuid)
Reviewing the Azure code, it looks like there is no way to tell the build step to use multiple provisioning profiles. If I am understanding the code correctly, it looks like the Xamarin iOS Azure pipeline task can only handle a single provProfileUuid