Channel creation failed with response HTTPResponse(status=401)


I have check all similar posts, but I could not find a good answer.

I have created the simplest configuration. I am using your iOS sample app where I have filled my bundle id and my project keys (app and secret)

I am still getting 401 when the channel should be created.

I can provide my keys and logs if needed.






2022-01-14 11:05:44.297586+0100 Sample[79928:5200239] [Airship] [D] AirshipCore/ChannelAPIClient.swift createChannel(withPayload:completionHandler:) [Line 55] Channel creation finished with response: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x283e0cbc0> { URL: } { Status Code: 401, Headers {

    "Alt-Svc" =     (

        "h3=\":443\"; ma=2592000,h3-29=\":443\"; ma=2592000"


    "Content-Length" =     (



    "Content-Type" =     (



    Date =     (

        "Fri, 14 Jan 2022 10:05:44 GMT"


    Via =     (

        "1.1 google"


    "Www-Authenticate" =     (

        "Basic realm=\"API\""


} }

2022-01-14 11:05:44.297805+0100 Sample[79928:5200239] [Airship] [D] AirshipCore/ChannelRegistrar.swift createChannel(payload:task:) [Line 304] Channel creation failed with response HTTPResponse(status=401)

2022-01-14 11:05:44.297886+0100 Sample[79928:5200239] [Airship] [I] AirshipCore/Channel.swift registrationFailed() [Line 565] Channel registration failed



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  • Hi there! Thanks so much for reaching out to support, I just have a few questions to start:

    • Where specifically did you find your app key and secret (do not share your app key/secret here as this is a public forum)?
    • Did you copy/paste them or type them manually? 
    • If you typed them manually, would you mind copy/pasting them into your project, instead?
    • Can you verify that your bundle and team IDs match in your Apple developer portal, your code, and in your Airship dashboard? 

    Best wishes, 

    Frenchy F.
    Technical Support Engineer | Airship | New York


    Comment actions Permalink
  • It looks like the channel creation failed with an HTTP 401 response, which typically indicates an authorization issue. This might mean that your credentials aren't valid or that you don't have the necessary permissions to complete the action glutathione cream price. Double-check your authentication tokens or login details, and ensure that you have the correct permissions to create channels.


    Comment actions Permalink
  • The error message "Channel creation failed with response HTTPResponse(status=401)" indicates that the attempt to create a channel was unsuccessful due to an authentication issue. The HTTP status code 401 signifies pest control melbourne cbd "Unauthorized," which means that the request lacks valid credentials for the intended operation. This could be due to an expired token, incorrect API keys, or insufficient permissions associated with the user account.

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