Hi! We are currently running Airship 16.0.0 for both iOS and Android. We recently have come across and issue when testing out different localization messages. We have users that can be in Spanish (ES) but also have their phone in English (EN). We will override the user's locale via the Airship SDK when the user logs in. We found that a very specific combination of messages will result in the wrong localization being sent.
When we send this message out to users, the following happens:
English users get the default push "This is broken". Spanish users get the correct in-app landing message that says "span"
We would expect the English users get their localized Message Center message but they do not. The users who do not fall under English and Spanish should get "this is broken". This does work as expected if the English and Spanish message are the same type. For example, both message centers or both in-app messages. For some reason, the Spanish localization works as expected but English users will get the wrong one. Is there any solution around this?