We observed some anomalies with push notification

Recently, we found some anomalies through our custom api statistics.
In airship's Activity Log dashboard, we see that all push are normal.
But on these Notifications below, we found that our stats were more than halved.


On our ios, we used UNNotificationServiceExtension to listen notification event.
On android, we used airship.getPushManager().addPushListener.

Normally, we count about 20w recipients for each Notification, but in the Notifications listed above, we only counted 4~6w.
We checked the overall process and found that our program are normal.

Under what circumstances might some users not be able to receive messages? The number of APP NOTIFICATION SENDS on the activity log page is also inconsistent with the number we counted.
How is this number defined, is it accurate?

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  • Hi Zoe,

    Thanks for reaching out to Airship Technical Support! Could you please share the app key for your project?


    Arushi S.
    Sr. Technical Support Engineer
    Airship | San Francisco, CA

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  • Hi Arushi,
    The app key is G3p-RCV_QCSzn-A1sSQjIw.


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  • I found that i made a mistake.
    The W is Chinese's count unit. So, on the above, i say "20w" and "4~6w", it meant 200k and 40~60k.

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  • Hi Zoe,

    I have created a support ticket to help troubleshoot this issue for you. You should have received an email regarding the same.


    Arushi S.
    Sr. Technical Support Engineer
    Airship | San Francisco, CA

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  • Hi Arushi,
    I can't see the account's email because I don't have the email password.
    Can you please email me directly, my email is xueren@nukaka.com

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  • Hi Zoe,

    I have included your email address: xueren@nukaka.com, please look out for a verification email to verify your account and then access the support ticket afterward.


    Arushi S.
    Sr. Technical Support Engineer
    Airship | San Francisco, CA

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  • When some users do not receive messages despite normal push notification processes, several factors could be at play. These include device-specific issues like being turned off or experiencing connectivity problems, opt-out or notification settings where users have chosen not to receive notifications or have specific configurations, app-specific integration issues such as incorrect token handling or misconfiguration, and occasional delivery failures or delays in the push notification infrastructure.
    Dexter Jaziel

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  • There appears to be a discrepancy between the anticipated and actual number of recipients for specific notifications sent through Airship. Despite the normal activity logs indicating that all pushes were successful, some notifications are only reaching 4-6k recipients instead of the expected 20k. This could be attributed to various factors, such as device-specific problems, network issues, or settings that hinder the uniform delivery of notifications to all users. It is crucial to verify the integration setup with Airship's APIs and SDKs on both iOS and Android to ensure that notifications are properly configured. Additionally, examining Airship's delivery logs and metrics to accurately determine the number of notifications sent and received can help identify any potential problems that may affect the reliability of delivery.

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  • We have observed some anomalies with the push notification system. Users have reported irregularities, such as delayed or missed notifications, as well as receiving notifications multiple times. These issues are currently under investigation to determine their root cause and to implement a resolution promptly. Our team is committed to ensuring the reliability and effectiveness of our notification services invisalign braces stoke on trent and appreciates your patience as we address these concerns.




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  • Recently, we have observed several anomalies with our push notification system. Users have reported intermittent delays, missed notifications, and duplicate alerts. These issues have disrupted user experience of teeth whitening dubai, leading to frustration and decreased engagement. Preliminary investigations suggest that the anomalies may stem from server-side processing delays, network latency, and potential bugs in the notification logic. 

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