Performance Analytics - Messaging Performance

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You can find in this article our recommendations to create an advanced statistics report in PA.

Airship statistics reports are generated in Performance Analytics. If you want to learn more about this tool, you can start by reading our Introduction to Performance Analytics.


Airship provides pre-built dashboards, such as Predictive report, Messages report, or Revenue report. These dashboards are very helpful and are accessible directly from the home page of Performance Analytics. You can find read more about these dashboards in our technical documentation.

To create the advanced statistics report, we will build a customized dashboard. You can also save independently each look or save your looks directly in the appropriate dashboard. Note that you have the possibility to export each look from the dashboard afterwards. In our example, we will create our looks and save them into our demo dashboard.

Airship allows having several communication channels on the same project (ex: Android, iOS, In-app, Inbox, SMS, Email …). By default, notification statistics for all channels will be gathered in Performance Analytics, and push notifications for iOS and Android are grouped under the message type “Push Notification”. If you want to build a report by OS, you can add to the following looks the filter “Platform Filter” and select the one you are interested in.

All of the following reports are created in Shared spaces > Explore Glossary > Engagement. When you save the first Look, you can create a new Dashboard “Message Performance” and add the following looks to it.


Look 1 & 2. Global overview of the messages sent

In this part, we will create two looks,


Look 1. Total number of messages sent over a given period

The first one offers a general overview of the total number of messages sent (all channels combined) and the total number of responses. The results are given for a selected period. If you need, you can differentiate direct and indirect responses.

To build this look we will use the following filters:Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Multiple//Message Type Sub Filter “is” XXX // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Note: Specify the type of messages you want to include in your report with the Message Type Sub filter.

Then, select the following dimensions and measures Delivery Date // Total Delivery/Impression Count // Attributed Response Count // In-app Message Click Count // In-app message Button Click Count // Email Open count.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Please note that you can find information about each field by clicking on the icon  :info: .


Look 2. Total number of messages sent by channel over a given period

The second look is an overview of the total number of messages sent by channel (push, in-app, web notify …), over the selected period.

To build this look we will use the following filters: Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Multiple // Message Type Sub Filter “is” XXX // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Note: Specify the type of messages you want to include in your report with the Message Type Sub filter.

Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery Date // Push Notification Count // Web Notify Count // In-app Impression Count // Message Center Count.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Additionally, you could add the measures Email user count and SMS sent count if needed.


Look 3. Push notifications report over a given period

The push notifications look displays statistics for mobile notifications, over the selected period. This report includes push messages, A/B Test messages, and push automation.

To build this look, you have to adapt your filters: Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range// Message delivery Message type filter “is” Push Notification // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery Date // Workflow Type // Message // Push Notification Count // Direct Open Count // Indirect Open Count // Attributed Open Count // Attributed Open Rate.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Note: You can refine your search by using the “Workflow type”, and display only one type of push message.


Look 4. Web notification performances over a given period

This look displays statistics for web notifications.

To create this look, just change the “Message type filter” to “Web Notification”: Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Web Notification // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)
Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery Date // Workflow Type // Message // Web Notify Count // Web Click Count // Web Click Rate // Web Session Count.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).


Look 5. In-app messages performances over a given period

This report shows statistics for both In-App Messages and In-App Automation. For this look, we keep the same filters and just change the “Message Type” to In-App Impression”: Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” In-App Impression // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery Date // Workflow Type // Message // In-app Impression Count // In-app Message Click Count // In-app Message Click Rate // In-app Button Click Count // In-app Button Click Rate // In-app Dismissed Count // In-app Dismissed Rate.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).

Note: You can refine your search by using the “Workflow type”, and display only In-App Messages or In-App Automation.


Look 6. Message center (inbox) performances

Once again, we keep the same filters and just change the “Message Type” to “Message Center”: Query parameters date range “is in the last” and choose a specific date range // Message delivery Message type filter “is” Message Center // Query Parameters Current Project Only “is” Yes // Project name “is equal to” XXX (optional)

Then, select the following dimensions and measures: Delivery Date // Workflow Type // Message // Message Center Count // Message Center Read Count // Message Center Read Rate // Message Center Delete Count // Message Center Delete Rate.

Finally, choose the visualization (graph, table, curve…).


Messaging Performances dashboard overview 

All our looks are now created and give you a complete view of your message activity. Those reports include every item available in the advanced statistics of Accengage. You can also add many more dimensions, measures, and filters to create looks and dashboards fitting your needs.
In addition, you have the possibility to export your looks and dashboards and even schedule recurrent exports. If you want to learn more about Performance Analytics exports, please read our Introduction to Performance Analytics article or check our technical documentation.


Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions.

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