App rating campaign for Android

Here are our recommendations for creating your “Android app rating” campaign.


Click on the “create” button in your project, to start your campaign.


The best way to ask your customers to give you feedback is by using an internal message during their journey within the app.

To do this, select the “In-app automation” feature.


Select Modal style as it is the most impactful format for this type of campaign.


Select the Layout of your in-app message. We recommend the “Header | Media | Body” for an optimized render.


Within the settings page, you can specify several options, such as the display capping and the priority of your message compared to the priority of other active in-app automations.


Once in the Audience section, you will have the option to target all your users or specific ones.
As the app rating campaign regards a specific app version, we recommend selecting “Target Specific Users” and choosing the “app version” criteria.

If you need to target only users on a particular build version such as the latest one, pick the “is equal to” operator and enter the appropriate version.


In the next section, you will want to choose the content of your app-rating campaign.
Please note that two buttons maximum can be implemented for the “modal style”.


Once you are pleased with the content, click on “Actions” to define the button configuration.
We propose an easy way to redirect your users to the store for rating.
Select the “App rating” action, for the store to get opened with a prompt.
You will have the option to include a custom title and custom body for the prompt.

Please note that Android generates app store links automatically based on information already in your app, so no configuration is required.


The next step consists of defining the design of your message. You can customize the Background, the Text, and the Button design.

In the Behavior section, you will want to choose when to display the message to your users. For instance, displaying your campaign as soon as your users have opened your app 3 times or when they get to a specific page of your app.


Please note that once your message is active, you will not be able to modify your triggers.
If you need to do so, we recommend that you duplicate your campaign, make your changes in the duplicate campaign, and use the duplicate campaign instead.

The final step will be to check that all the information is correct. You can do this within the Review section.

Once you are pleased with your campaign, click on Finish to activate it.





Best practices

  • For an app rating campaign, you will want to use in-app messages.

  • Select the Modal style format for a larger impact.

  • To target only the latest application version: in the audience section, select Target specific users and enter your latest build version with the operator is equal to.

  • For a more effective campaign, Trigger the message after an event in the app such as a purchase or reading an article. This way you will only display the message to your most engaged users.

  • In the action section, select the App rating action, for the store to be opened with a prompt.


Please feel free to contact our Support team if you have any additional questions.

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